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Section 2: Regulations & Punishment Guide

Subsection 1: Rules

R1 & P1: You can never use an alt. Using an alt can get you a permanent CE. Alts are allowed to be authorized by O5+. 

R2 & P2: Breaking the department limit is not allowed. You will be warned about you breaking a department limit and you will have no more than three days to decide [MAKE SURE TO CHECK FOR INACTIVITY NOTICES IN THEIR DEPARTMENT] which department you want to stay in, you will receive a one week CE and a kick from one of the departments of IA or ISD's choosing. Check Section IV: Department Information to see the department limit.

R3 & P3: If you are a level and you go on-to the Chaos Insurgency team, and a person tells you to get off, but you still proceed, you will get CE'd.

R4 & P4: Killing other Foundation Personnel will get you a two week CE unless a KOS was put on-to them. More Foundation Personnel kill, the longer the CE unless you're on the CI team or CD team and your not a level.

R5 & P5: Disrespecting an L4+ as an L3, L2, L1 or L0 will get you a one day CE.

R6 & P6: Exploiting on the game will get you pbanned. 

R7 & P7: Glitching through walls will get you banned from the server temporarily.

R8 & P8: Advertising for your game, group, channel, creation, discord, or etc is strictly forbidden, and it will get you muted in Discord and CE'd for a week if you do so, if it happens again, you will be banned. 

R9 & P9: Trolling is not allowed, you can get up to a week CE for trolling.

R10 & P10: Trespassing into areas that you aren't permitted to be in will get you a 1 week CE. O5+ is allowed to bypass this rule. 

R11 & P11: Do not breach SCPs unless it is for training purposes for the Security Department and Mobile Task Force and it has to be approved by a level-5+. NO OTHER DEPARTMENT SHOULD NEED TO BREACH SCPS FOR training. Anyone caught doing so will be CE'd for a month.

R12 & P12: Non-combative and L4 and L5+ are not permitted into the CDZ unless their job allows them in there, any non-combative caught not permitted doing so will be warned and then CE'd for a day if they refuse to leave. If the same FP does decide to go back in and do it again, for the jokes of it, they will be CE'd right away. [JANITORS CAN NOT MOP IN THE CDZ, THE CDS DO THAT, AND THEY ARE ALLOWED TO CROSS THE RED LINE IF THERE IS BLOOD OVER THE RED LINE]. 

R13 & P13: Activating the alarm multiple times for no reason in the matter of an hour, can get you CE'd for a day.

R14 & P14: Making false accusations against people is punishable, and depending on the accusation, it can get you a CE from a 0-permanent CE. 

R15 & P15: If you are CE'd and it's not permanent, you are NOT allowed to kill Foundation Personnel. Doing this is treason, and it can extend your CE time or get you a permanent CE. 

R16 & P16: Storming another division's tryouts are invading into another’s tryout is not permitted. Nor can any department take over another’s tryout. If caught doing so, the person who did it will get CE'd anywhere from a month to permanent depending on how bad it is.

R17 & P17: Impersonations of any personnel on Discord is prohibited. You will be warned first, and if you don't switch. You will get a permanent CE and a ban from Discord. Even if you do switch off, and then you switch back on, you will face the punishment provided.

R18 & P18: You may only redact your names if you are the following: Present in IA or ISD, O5 Council, or the Administrator. If you have your name redacted, you will be warned first, and then if you decide not to switch, you will be CE'd permanently, and you will be banned from the Discord. Even if you do switch off, and then you switch back on, you will face the punishment provided.

R19 & P19: You may not escort a CD/CE around the building. This includes CEs to their office. This can get you anywhere from 0-permanent CE depending on the situation. 

R20 & P20: Bribery is not permitted. Depending on the bribe, you could get you anywhere from 0-permanent CE.

R21 & P21: The only personnel allowed outside are MTF, and O5+ is only allowed outside. O5+ can permit other departments outside with a good REASON. Anyone caught going outside will receive a week CE. 

R22 & P22: SCP-transformation game pass is not allowed to be used by Foundation Personnel. You will be warned first to get off that transformation, and if you don't you will be permanently CE'd. If you already killed someone with it, you could face charges of anywhere of 0-permanent CE.

R23 & P23: Using other team morphs that you aren't supposed to can get you CE'd. Depending on the morph. If it's a [REDACTED] morph. You will get permanently CE'd. Any other morphs, you will be warned and told to get out of it. Refusing to get out of it is a permanent CE. If you aren't a Foundation Personnel and you aren't in the group, you will just receive a pban. 

R24 & P25: Abusing admin commands without a good reason can get you a 0-permanent CE

R25: People have the right to defend themselves on a CE case on them. 

R26 & P26: You can only send an application every 12h, doing so will get your application instantly declined.

R28 & P28: Being in any other Foundation will stop you from achieving an HR+ in any department.

R29 & P29: Account age under 100 will stop you from achieving an MR+ in any department. 

R30 & P30: VIP commands are prohibited. Anyone caught using it will be warned and then the next time they use it, they will be CE'd for a day.

R31 & P31: Account ages under 10 will be banned from the server.

R32 & P32: Changing your name to somewhat close to a high ranking's name will get you permanently banned for impersonation. 

R33 & P33: People of the SCP Foundation are not held accountable for rules that aren't on here. Anyone caught CEing a person without the rule on here will be CE'd anywhere from a month to permanent depending on the scenario.

R34 & P34: Evading CE time can get you permanently banned on Site-17.

R35 & P35: Abusing glitches can get you permanently banned on Site-17.

R36: If there is a problem, do not try to message the Administrator, message the lowest ranking possible that can handle it.


Subsection 2: Offenses 

Same Reason CE:

First CE on a new reason: The amount of time given in the guidelines.

Second CE on the same reason: It will be doubled of the CE time given in the guidelines

Third CE on the same reason: It will be permanent.

CE Evasion Punishment:

Evading CE will result in a permanent ban from the game. 

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